Who We Are

JMP is a “first to market” bespoke service provider supporting Opportunity Zone investing for High Net Worth Investors and Family Offices while also providing support and fund administration services to sponsors and entrepreneurs pooling capital to capitalize their Opportunity Zone projects.

We focus on investors that want a self-directed portfolio of Opportunity Zone (OZ) investments.  We provide a unique “shared services” model for investors and project sponsors looking to take advantage of the new law’s benefits. Our platform is designed to facilitate multi-year investment, multi-asset portfolios.

For sponsors and entrepreneurs, we offer a services platform that enables them to create a structure for direct investment to capitalize their project or business. JMP, through its platform and the platforms of its strategic partners, improves the visibility of these projects and provides a centralized data room to facilitate investor due diligence.

The JMP platform provides Investors full investment flexibility within the scope of the law. Our network of legal and accounting professionals provides JMP with access to the most recent thoughts on Opportunity Zone investing and we we are constantly researching  trends related to opportunity zone investing and specific investment categories tracking fund flows, new areas of interest, and investment returns to create an interactive web presence with databases and other relevant information valuable to investors, sponsors and others engaged in investing into Qualified Opportunity Zone Businesses and Qualified Opportunity Zone Projects.

The JMP Difference

Most fund administrators and service providers focus on large funds and large fund managers. JMP serves the investor segment focused on investing in smaller, targeted projects nationwide across Opportunity Zones beyond those  around proximate to major urban centers that are the primary focus of asset managers. JMP has designed a platform that enables High Net Worth Investors (HNWI) and Family Offices to manage their portfolio while JMP addresses the specific compliance requirements of the new law that complicates the investment and fund management process.

JMP and the New Tax Law

Qualified Opportunity Funds are required to invest their assets into a Qualified Opportunity Zone Business (QOZB) or Qualified Opportunity Zone Property (QOZP).  The law stipulates that a QOF must have 90% of its assets invested in a QOZB or a QOZP by the first measurement date with the first measurement date being 6 months after a QOF’s formation or 12/31, whichever comes first.  JMP offers Investors a flexible structure providing a Qualified Opportunity Zone Business investment enabling Investors to comply with the law while giving Investors 30 months to invest the assets.  Investors can choose to self-direct their investment programs or invest jointly with other families or investor groups. JMP’s primary goal is to create efficiency, transparency, and scalability for QOF investors and sponsors.