Opportunity Zone Map

Our investor’s self-directed Qualified Opportunity Zone Businesses (QOZB) develop an investment program delineating the type of investments and timing of capital deployment in conjunction with JMP and their professional advisors. JMP facilitates the corporate operations for the Investor’s QOZB maintaining corporate minutes, records of investment, committee decisions, and making annual filings to maintain corporate and tax compliance. Information for each JMP Project Sponsor investment vehicle is available to investors, giving them access to investment opportunities across the full spectrum of Opportunity Zones (OZ). This information allows investors to communicate directly with the Project Sponsor to evaluate the merits of the investment opportunity. JMP is developing proprietary tools to facilitate investor access to a wide spectrum of Opportunity Zone investments. These tools include an interactive database showing the 8000+ Opportunity Zones with listings for investment projects in the specific OZ.

Created by Matthew Weiser

Created by Matthew Weiser

This map shows the 8000+ opportunity zones listed by the us government